Sunday, August 9, 2009

Not feeling like home yet

Now that I've finished uploading my road journal I can give you an update since last Sunday when we arrived. I can't believe we have been here for a week already.

First of all, when we got to our apartment/townhouse (whatever it is!) all of our things were already here because the landlords let the movers in on Friday to unload. This was really great. :) However, our apartment was not ready for us. It was really dirty and several things needed to be fixed. So after a very minor melt down (I think, though Ryan maybe doesn't agree) we decided to do what we could to clean and meet with the landlords on Monday night to discuss what needed fixing.

Ryan used all of his diplomacy and I um...well, I actually shut my mouth for once, and the landlords agreed to fix the broken things during the Monday night meeting. All ended amiably. So then began the massive cleaning and unpacking campaign--which I can assure you required much reminding of the family motto!

Yesterday was Sabbath and we took a break from all the cleaning and unpacking, slept in, and went to the park. Ryan played disc golf and Liam and I walked alongside. It was a nice course and we had a good time.

Today, Ryan is playing in a tournament and so Liam and I are at home. I'm trying to finish some unpacking and household chores when Liam will let me. He's had a hard time adjusting to our new home (and the new time zone!) but seems to be doing better today. He did sleep all night last night and the night before, so that's an improvement. :)

I have some cute photos that I'll post later on.


  1. Ugh, I'm sorry about the apartment mess. I'm glad you got it all worked out, though. I understand the whole meltdown thing...I've had a couple since bringing Kayla home. They've been of a different nature, but the same frustration. Can't wait to see pictures! Hope you enjoy settling into your new home!

  2. What's with places not being clean? Sheesh! I am still finding things (like the vent on the bathroom fan thingy) that are nasty. Just when I think I have this place clean I find more dirt!

    PS, not sure why I'm listed twice under your blog followers. I just really like you guys! Hehehe!

  3. Cas, maybe because you have two blogs?
