Wednesday, August 25, 2010

photo slacker

OK, I know that I've been slacking with taking and uploading my photos lately--and I apologize! It's been a busy, exhausting, hot summer and I just don't seem to take as many photos as I would like to. That said, here are a few more for you to enjoy. I promise I will try to do better!

Click Here.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Liam's 18 month update

This post is mostly for the grandparents who I know are curious about developments--here is an update.

Liam went to the doctor today and is 25lbs 15.5 oz, and 34.5 inches tall. This puts him in the 98th percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight.  Very healthy. He is just starting to outgrow his 18 month clothes.

He now uses a fork and spoon easily, but is still learning to use a regular cup without spilling it everywhere. He does well with thick liquids like smoothies, either because they taste SO good or because they come out slower, I'm not sure which.

Liam can walk up and down stairs with help, and can crawl them on his own. He can run, throw a ball, and stack his blocks. He's learning colors, can count to three, and enjoys using his chalkboard easel.  He's starting to understand imaginary play.

He loves the bath and to brush his own teeth.  Liam is a bookworm and will now happily listen to longer stories like his Curious George books.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

What to buy for Liam and Jude

Because we live so far away and I keep hearing "what does Liam need?" and "what do you still need for Jude?" I've created wishlists for them on Amazon.

Just click here and type my name in the box that says "Find someone's list" to view them. 

And thanks for asking what they would like. We are so blessed to have such kind and generous families and friends.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cute photo

Cute photo of our friend's son Josh (age 6) helping with Liam at the beach.