Tuesday, January 26, 2010

January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

New hat. :)

January 26, 2010

January 26, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Eating his pancake, in the shape of an "L" for Liam.

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 24, 2010

January 24, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Ryan hard at work on Greek translation.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 23, 2010

January 23, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Lunch: Rutabaga and carrot spears (cooked), peas, Cheerios, Lentils, beets, apple and pear slices (uncooked). Yes, he ate it all!

January 22, 2010

January 22, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Liam's new toy that I found at Goodwill for $3.99! It plays music and teaches numbers, the alphabet, colors and shapes. There are two "scores" that he can choose from--that's the book in the middle. The instruments do different things based on which score he turns to. And it does English and Spanish. It's cool and $40 new.

Liam's new hat

Heather showed me a picture, but it hasn't come in the mail yet. Here it is though, I'll post a photo of him wearing it when it comes!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

About the photos

Hi all--
You may have noticed more photos on this blog recently. That's because I'm taking a photo everyday for 2010. I haven't been uploading all of the photos on the blog, mostly just the ones of Liam because I know that's what everyone far away really wants to see! If you click on any of the photos on the blog, it will take you to all of the photos on my flickr account--so you can see all the ones for 2010.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 15, 2010

January 15, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Liam's lunch.

January 18, 2010

January 18, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Liam crawling!

January 17, 2010

January 17, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Liam "playing" Ryan's guitar.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14, 2010

January 14, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Liam eating cheerios and looking pleased with himself.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My new hat!

Heather sent me this hat for Christmas. She made it. Isn't it amazing?! Liam is getting his new one soon...he's outgrowing his current one.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 8, 2010

January 8, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Liam's 11-month-old photo

January 7, 2010

January 7, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

I took this picture a couple days ago. Last night our gutter broke off the building at midnight. It was quite the sound! Thankfully no one was under it when it fell. Guess my landlords should have had the leak fixed before winter.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.
Liam's cute little profile.

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

We went to our neighbors for dinner tonight. After we ate, Curtis broke out the guitar and let Liam jam with him.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Photos for 2010

Hi everyone!

I'm taking a picture everyday for 2010. If you want to see the photo of the day, visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/jenn365.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Between semesters

Jenn has been hounding me, and I've finally given in to her. I am posting on the blog.

My first semester in the seminary at Andrews University is complete. It was a trial for our family, but we made the necessary adjustments and got through it. Early on in the semester I slowly fell behind in my work. I found myself so overwhelmed by the daily tasks (reading, weekly papers, taking care of Liam) that I wasn't able to focus on anything except the immediate. I had a few major projects to complete by the end of the term, and I hadn't hardly worked on any of them. After the middle of the semester I had to come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to work a lot harder to catch up. I began getting up early and studying, spending all day Sunday studying, and pretty much studying every weeknight except Thursday, which is date night. A few times I wondered whether I would make it through. But the hard work and prayer produced fruit, and I finally finished all of my big projects and papers by the end of the semester. When I handed in the last paper I felt so much relief. It was finally Christmas vacation.

Now fall semester is a thing of the past. Spring semester is just days away. (By the way, it's interesting that here in Michigan, a winter term is completely amiss... We go from fall semester to spring semester. I'm expecting sunshine and flowers by April!) I'm registered for my classes and I've ordered most of my books used online, which should save quite a bit of money. Here's the breakdown of my class schedule in case anyone is interested.

Worship: Word & Music (2 credits). A five-day intensive class.

Contemporary Theology (2 credits). Tue/Thur.

Advanced Studies in the Gospels: Mark (3 credits). Tue-Thur.

Advanced Greek Grammar & Syntax (3 credits). Tue-Thur.

Church Growth & the Equipping Pastor (3 credits). Tue-Thur.

Issues in Ellen G White Studies (2 credits) Tue.

I'll be home for Christmas Part II

CHRISTMAS!!!! Here's a recap and some photos.

Those who know me, know this is my favorite holiday. And this year, we spent Christmas Eve and Day at my parent's house, and celebrated Christmas late with the Kilgores, since Jessica had to work and didn't get home until Saturday.

Christmas was fun this year because we had our darling little boy to shower with toys and attention. :) It was also a lot more comfortable for me than last year when I was just starting my third trimester and felt as big as a house! I could actually sit on the floor and open gifts this year.

On Christmas Eve, my brother and his wife Kaz along with my grandparents and my Aunt Sheila came to my parent's house and we had dinner together and then opened gifts. It was a lot of fun. Ryan and I both got gift money to spend, and Liam got his first dump truck, and a cool ball that rolls around on the floor by itself and entices the child to "play with me". It's cute. He loves it. He also got some very cute clothing, but I'm more excited about those than he is.

Christmas day we spent with just my parents, they mostly just played with Liam and his new toys.

That evening was Friday, so we headed to the Kilgore's house for Sabbath and to celebrate Christmas with them. Jessica came in on Saturday after church and we had a big lunch, followed by opening of presents. Fun times. Liam got a drum and a car and some other fun toys for little boys. Also, a very cute shirt from Aunt Jessica.

Sunday, we went to Cheesecake Factory, and then some shopping.

Monday Shelley, Jessica and I went with Liam to the outlets to get some cute clothing for Liam. As you can imagine, we were successful! And Monday afternoon, my friend Erin and her two boys, Carter and Henri, stopped by to visit for a little bit. It was great to see them. Then Monday night, Ryan and I had a date to Seattle and Liam stayed home with the grandparents. Grandpa Bob fed him dinner and put him to bed. He hasn't lost his touch, because Liam went right to sleep.

Tuesday was Bob and Shelley's 35th wedding anniversary! They went out on a date that night. During the day, Ryan, Liam and I went to my grandma's house for lunch and a visit. We spent the evening packing because our flight left early Wednesday morning.

The flight home was as easy as it could have been! No problems at all. We got home around 8pm, so it was still a long day, but Liam was an amazingly good baby. I think the other people on the plane were as thankful for his good traveling skills as we were.

And now we are home. Ryan starts school Tuesday, and I'm back to work Monday. It was a good break, but as always, too short. We miss you all!

I'll be home for Christmas Part I

December 22.
We are driven to the South Bend airport by Ryan's Uncle Larry's relatives and are excited to be on our way. But as soon as we get to the counter our enthusiasm is deflated. Our flight to Chicago is delayed, so much so that we will miss our connection. They can't get us on another flight out until Thursday (Christmas Eve day). We check to make sure that our ride has left. They have.
Ryan says, "Jenn, don't forget the pact!"
FUN NO MATTER WHAT we both chant. And then take a deep breath.
We pray and then set about finding a solution.

Ryan tries to call the people who took us to the airport...no answer. So he tries another friend, but they had plans to go out that evening. SO we decided to take a bus from South Bend to Chicago O'Hare. It is scheduled to arrive 45 minutes before our flight leaves in Chicago. We prayed we would make it in time. I prayed that the plane in Chicago would be delayed.

After boarding the bus, which was MUCH nicer than I expected (think tour bus), Ryan checked our flight in Chicago again. It was delayed 25 minutes! Praise God. As long as our bus got there on time, we would make it.

We made it. With plenty of time. The flight ended up being delayed an hour and a half--giving us time to eat and change Liam before boarding our flight. We got to Seattle at 9:30pm (12:30am EST). We left our house at 1:30 EST. It was a long day.

Squeaky clean

Ryan promises he will blog because: 1. He has a very funny story to share and 2. He has been neglecting his blogging duties.

I also have a funny story to share.

Right before Christmas, our friends Charley and Rachel came to visit with their sweet little boy Levi. Levi is about 20 months old. It was wonderful to see people from Walla Walla! Rachel was here to be the maid of honor in her friend's wedding, and Charley and Levi came along for the ride.

OK, you've been patient, so here's the funny part.

Rachel went to help get things ready on Saturday night for the wedding, which was Sunday and sent Charley over to our house to do a load of laundry and bathe Levi before the Rehearsal dinner started. I set out a towel, soap, shampoo and lotion for Charley to use, and left him to it. The lotion was in a little pot (it's a cream) and the soap and shampoo were in similar containers on top of the towel. A few minutes later, Charley comes down with Levi, who is clean and dressed. He mentions to me, "wow, that lotion is really good, it's got a lot of oil in it." And I was thinking, "Yes, it's good lotion, but it's not oily." So I ask Charley, "What do you mean?" And he says, "Well, I can still feel it on my hands, it almost lathered."

And this is when it occurs to me that Charley has slathered his son in "creamy wash". Having used the shampoo as soap, he went on to coat Levi in a layer of moisturizing soap--he didn't notice the actual lotion at all. I explained to Charley what I thought he might have done, and he said, "No! It said cream!" So I go upstairs and show him the bottle, yep, it's the soap. I then took Levi from his flabbergasted and defeated-looking father, and he got bath number two. A very, very clean little boy. :P We all had a good laugh. Even Charley.