Friday, January 1, 2010

Between semesters

Jenn has been hounding me, and I've finally given in to her. I am posting on the blog.

My first semester in the seminary at Andrews University is complete. It was a trial for our family, but we made the necessary adjustments and got through it. Early on in the semester I slowly fell behind in my work. I found myself so overwhelmed by the daily tasks (reading, weekly papers, taking care of Liam) that I wasn't able to focus on anything except the immediate. I had a few major projects to complete by the end of the term, and I hadn't hardly worked on any of them. After the middle of the semester I had to come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to work a lot harder to catch up. I began getting up early and studying, spending all day Sunday studying, and pretty much studying every weeknight except Thursday, which is date night. A few times I wondered whether I would make it through. But the hard work and prayer produced fruit, and I finally finished all of my big projects and papers by the end of the semester. When I handed in the last paper I felt so much relief. It was finally Christmas vacation.

Now fall semester is a thing of the past. Spring semester is just days away. (By the way, it's interesting that here in Michigan, a winter term is completely amiss... We go from fall semester to spring semester. I'm expecting sunshine and flowers by April!) I'm registered for my classes and I've ordered most of my books used online, which should save quite a bit of money. Here's the breakdown of my class schedule in case anyone is interested.

Worship: Word & Music (2 credits). A five-day intensive class.

Contemporary Theology (2 credits). Tue/Thur.

Advanced Studies in the Gospels: Mark (3 credits). Tue-Thur.

Advanced Greek Grammar & Syntax (3 credits). Tue-Thur.

Church Growth & the Equipping Pastor (3 credits). Tue-Thur.

Issues in Ellen G White Studies (2 credits) Tue.


  1. You still haven't posted your funny story. NAG :P

  2. Wow, Ryan. I can't imagine being as busy as you. Work and then going home and helping Jason take care of Kayla is enough for me, thank you!

    Kudos to you, and blessings on the new (though misnomered) semester.
