Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New photos on flickr

Click here to see them.

Baby gifts--updated

Dear family and friends,

A few of you have asked what we would like/need for Jude when he arrives. Thankfully, because he is our second boy we have pretty much everything we need. However there are a few things that we could use so I'm listing them here to avoid sending a million emails.

I've updated the list to reflect what we still need 7/12

1. Cloth diapers: due to an unfortunate laundry incident, some of our current stash have been ruined. So we need to purchase about 8 more diapers to have enough for both Liam and Jude. We will be  using bumGenius 4.0 one size, snap diapers. You can get them by clicking here if you'd like to add to the stash. Color is not super important, but I do favor White, Twilight (blue) and Grasshopper (green), which Liam is modeling in the photo.

2. Warm pajamas and a sleep sack in the small size. Liam was born in spring so much of his clothing, and especially pjs are cotton. It's cold in Michigan! So if you're tempted to buy cute clothes, think fleece.

3. Dr. Brown's bottles glass or BPA-free plastic with newborn (size one) nipples (6).

4. A small/compact baby swing. We foolishly sold ours because it was big and we didn't think we would need one for a while. Oops.

5. A few changing pad covers. You can find them at Target. I anticipate that there will be peeing during diaper changes again. Something to look forward to.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hi Family and Friends,

For those who haven't heard yet, we will be naming the little boy we are expecting in October Jude Robert Kilgore.

Thanks for all the well wishes and support. We feel very blessed to have you all in our lives.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Today is the first day of my 21st week of pregnancy, meaning that I am more than half-way to my due date. Ryan and I have decided to name this little boy Jude. The middle name is still undecided--but we are close, very close, to choosing one.

Liam is growing up and growing fast. It seems that he is everywhere at once, and he gets so much excitement and joy out of the smallest things. It is fun watching him explore his world, and also very tiring. Thank goodness for nap time and bedtime!

Ryan is going to take over at as the Dean's assistant (my job) when I go on maternity leave, so instead of coming home and watching Liam (and Jude) in the afternoons, he will go to work. And if all goes as planned, when I'm ready to go back, he will come home after class in the afternoons again to watch the boys. I love that my boss is so flexible about this! It means that we won't lose our income for those few months and I will be able to stay home until Jude is eating less often and I can leave him more easily. Ryan will start a couple weeks after Jude is born.

It's humid here, and warm. Summer is on the way. We are happy and healthy, but we do miss home and everyone there.  We think of you all often.

Stopping to smell the flowers.

Feeding himself.

June 6, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

He ate all the yogurt, and about 1/4 of it was on his face in the end. Not bad!

Outside time.

Outside time., originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Luke, Aeden and Nate

Luke, Aeden and Nate, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Aeden is soothing his woes with a root beer float


Thinking., originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Running to the front.

Running to the front., originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Going to take his baby sea turtle to the mommy sea turtle.

June 12, 2010

June 12, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Sabbath School on daddy's lap.

June 12, 2010

June 12, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

At Sabbath School

June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Going upstairs with daddy.

June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Celebrating our friend Nathan's birthday at Red Robin.

Across the street.

Across the street., originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Undeveloped land across the street from our apartment--the view from our living room.

Holding the bluebird statue

Holding the bluebird statue, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Trying to grab the camera

Trying to grab the camera, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Playing with water

Playing with water, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.


DSC03211, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

peanut butter and sand on his face.

May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

At the beach

At the beach, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.

Liam eating vegetarian sushi, yum!

May 24, 2010

May 24, 2010, originally uploaded by Jenn Kilgore.