Saturday, October 24, 2009

Soft sheets and other morning musings.

I have new sheets. They are amazing. I may very well never get out of bed again. I did get out of bed this morning. But it was hard. Really, really hard. And only because Liam required it.

Allow me to tell you about these sheets. They are soft. They are warm. They don't come off of the mattress. And they were included in a wonderful care package from my grandma that I received yesterday. Apparently they are made from beech wood...crazy!
OK--enough about the sheets. I can tell that you are bored. But seriously. LOVE them!

Liam didn't sleep well last night, he woke at midnight and wanted to nurse for an hour. So that could also have contributed to the difficulty I had getting up this morning. Poor little guy is teething big time, two teeth are poking up through his gums on the bottom and he's chewing on everything he can get his little hands on. Including, sometimes, me. I've been giving him teething tablets and Tylenol when it gets really bad. I hope he's good today in church.

Today we are going to visit another new church. This one is a church plant in Edwardsburg.  I hope we really like it because I hate being the "visitor" and want to find a good place to stay. So far I haven't been able to see us as part of any of the communities we've visited.

For now I'm going to sit back and enjoy my hot beverage (decaf soy latte, thanks Ryan!) and do some devotional reading before I get dressed and get Liam up from his nap and ready for church.


  1. Maybe Liam would have slept better if he was in bed with you and your fancy sheets.
    I hope you find a good church soon, having that community and support is so filling to one's spirit. <3 you!

  2. So what did you think of the church? I hope you find a "home" soon, Jenn!

  3. Cas: Liam has awesome, handmade sheets. They are super soft flannel! No excuses for him. I'm glad it was a one-night thing and not a trend!

    Becky: We liked the church and are praying about it. We want to visit one more, but I think that one might have been "it". The only drawback is that it's 35minutes away....

  4. I feel the same about my mattress. Many a morning I have cursed Paul and his bed buying abilities because I have no desire whatsoever to leave my bed. We bought it when I was pregnant with Carter and it ended up firmer than I was thinking I'd want. Now that I have to sleep on my back due to the carpel tunnel from Carter's pregnancy, I am so in love with that bed. I fall asleep fast than I ever have in my whole life. Oh, wait, maybe it is the two kids thing...
