Thursday, October 29, 2009

The fallen leaves that jewel the ground...

All the trees are beautiful. The leaves are falling down. It's gorgeous here and I have October Song stuck in my head--hence the poetic title, it's a lyric from an old folksy song--google it. This is the prettiest fall I've ever seen. I'm trying to savor every minute of it--the crisp air, the pretty colors, the (very) occasional blue sky. Because once it's gone it will be winter.

And I'm told that winter will last until April. Still I have my new, bright green, puffy, down coat. If that coat can't brighten the winter then nothing can! I look like a giant granny smith apple in it, but I don't care. It's SO warm and it was a fabulous price--probably because people are generally not excited about looking like a giant apple. But I don't mind it. I love green and I hate being cold so it's the perfect coat for me.

But enough about my coat. Sheesh. I haven't blogged for a long time and I spend the first two paragraphs waxing poetic about the season and then writing an ode to the granny smith apple coat. You all want to know about what is happening here!

Well Liam--always the star of this blog--is doing well but still not crawling yet. I hope he gets motivated soon. Not that I am really excited about him being mobile, but he's almost 9 months old and just does not seem interested in crawling at all, so I'm a little worried. Instead, he has this cute rolling technic going. He scoots and rolls himself over to his toys and then is happy. Or he just sits up and plays with them and is happy. No ambition to go places! Perfectly content to stay in one spot and look cute. It's not a bad thing, I'm just wondering why he's not even interested?!

He does have two teeth now though and is biting on everything he can. But I must say, he hasn't been too fussy about the teething thing. A few days have been tough, but teething tablets and Tylenol have solved those days with one or two doses. It is very cute to see his little white teeth sticking up when he smiles. I'll try to get a photo.

For those who care, he is onto the third section of Your Baby Can Read series, and enjoying it. Of course, he can't read yet, but it's good language development--at this stage he's mostly just learning that things have names and that we use letters to represent those names.  He really enjoys it and that's what counts. I want him to love reading like Ryan and I do.

Ryan is doing well with classes, studying a lot of course, and liking the majority of his classes. He had a big presentation yesterday that went well and has done well on the midterms he took. He still has a lot of projects and papers to finish up before the end of the semester.

I am enjoying work. It's been very busy the last couple of weeks and I expect to be busy now until the beginning of December as we head into finals and have some big accreditation meetings for the Seminary that I'll be helping the dean prepare for. I wish that I could spend all my time at home with Liam, but the few hours a day that I am gone give Ryan time to bond with him. And I like my job, I have a really great boss and my schedule is very flexible--which is great because sometimes I need time off if Ryan has a school project or something going on.

OK, well that's it for now. I'll try to post some photos of the cute baby soon.


  1. For the record, I've see the coat. You look adorable in it. :) Can't wait to see a photo of those cute teeth!

  2. Carter crawled at 10 months, Henri at 9, Carter walked at 14 months, Henri is not even cruising (see your next post for definition, lol). He's a really fast crawler at 2 weeks shy of his 1 year bday :)

  3. Thanks Erin, I'm worried he won't crawl because I never did....
