Friday, September 9, 2011

September in Michigan

Jude laughing at Mommy
The leaves are already starting to turn, the temperatures are in the 70s during the day, and that means it's my favorite time of year again! Ah, Autumn. Love it! It also means that we only have a few short months left in Michigan before we head west again. And before you ask, let me just say "no, I don't know where we are moving yet."

Ryan has started running as a hobby, he ran his first 5K last week, and the boys and I came to cheer for him. I took a couple pictures (link below).

The boys are growing at an alarming rate. Liam is wearing a size 9 shoe now. I think that's a normal size, for a four-year-old. Jude is about to turn 1 and I can hardly believe it. He took his first steps this last week from me to Liam. It was darling. Liam was cheering for him. I wished I'd had it on video to share.

I've uploaded some more photos for everyone, because I know you love to see the little men. Click HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Yes we do love the photos. Thanks.

    Loved skyping you this morning. Who but grandparents would be so excited to sit in front of a computer and watch their grandchildren eat breakfast. Made my week. Helps me feel connected.
