CHRISTMAS!!!! Here's a recap and some photos.

Those who know me, know this is my favorite holiday. And this year, we spent Christmas Eve and Day at my parent's house, and celebrated Christmas late with the Kilgores, since Jessica had to work and didn't get home until Saturday.

Christmas was fun this year because we had our darling little boy to shower with toys and attention. :) It was also a lot more comfortable for me than last year when I was just starting my third trimester and felt as big as a house! I could actually sit on the floor and open gifts this year.

On Christmas Eve, my brother and his wife Kaz along with my grandparents and my Aunt Sheila came to my parent's house and we had dinner together and then opened gifts. It was a lot of fun. Ryan and I both got gift money to spend, and Liam got his first dump truck, and a cool ball that rolls around on the floor by itself and entices the child to "play with me". It's cute. He loves it. He also got some very cute clothing, but I'm more excited about those than he is.
Christmas day we spent with just my parents, they mostly just played with Liam and his new toys.

That evening was Friday, so we headed to the Kilgore's house for Sabbath and to celebrate Christmas with them. Jessica came in on Saturday after church and we had a big lunch, followed by opening of presents. Fun times. Liam got a drum and a car and some other fun toys for little boys. Also, a very cute shirt from Aunt Jessica.
Sunday, we went to Cheesecake Factory, and then some shopping.

Monday Shelley, Jessica and I went with Liam to the outlets to get some cute clothing for Liam. As you can imagine, we were successful! And Monday afternoon, my friend Erin and her two boys, Carter and Henri, stopped by to visit for a little bit. It was great to see them. Then Monday night, Ryan and I had a date to Seattle and Liam stayed home with the grandparents. Grandpa Bob fed him dinner and put him to bed. He hasn't lost his touch, because Liam went right to sleep.
Tuesday was Bob and Shelley's 35th wedding anniversary! They went out on a date that night. During the day, Ryan, Liam and I went to my grandma's house for lunch and a visit. We spent the evening packing because our flight left early Wednesday morning.

The flight home was as easy as it could have been! No problems at all. We got home around 8pm, so it was still a long day, but Liam was an amazingly good baby. I think the other people on the plane were as thankful for his good traveling skills as we were.
And now we are home. Ryan starts school Tuesday, and I'm back to work Monday. It was a good break, but as always, too short. We miss you all!
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